Techno Is Her Turn-On

Pounding on the beat!

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Luka   0 points612 days ago

Perfect Reply Report

Whizkee -3 points741 days ago

christian always did get good girlies ta play wit ...nice lil' plumper know how ta ride!!! Reply Report
Russell O’Connor trapped between male & female

Russell O’Connor trapped between male & female -5 points742 days ago

When I was a kid, boys did not accept me as one of them. I was fairly athletic, but I was also the smart kid, the geeky kid. What I was called, though, is faggot. I remember going to look it up. But it was clear enough why it was directed at me. I was also the effeminate kid. More than once, a friend of my mothers would tell me how they envied my hair, how great it would look on a woman. I was even told what great legs Id have if I were a woman. So the other boys werent really saying I was gay. They were saying I was girly. Throughout school and into college, my closest friends were always women. It was partly a matter of values. Few of the men I knew had any real respect for women. Misogyny was casual and open among them, especially in groups, and I couldnt stomach it. My female friends, on the other hand, were compassionate and sensitive. Conversation wasnt a competition, but a way of sharing ourselves. And they cared about people. They were interested in people. My values, my interests, my personalityall that was already a mix of what would traditionally be seen as male and female. But I feel like I need to do something to nurture my femininity, to honor it, to express it, and what feels right is changing how I dress. But why? Isnt that just to accept some societal story about what the feminine is supposed to be like?I dont know. Reply Report

piddy +3 points733 days ago

@Russell OConnor trapped between male & female lol kys faggot Reply Report
Heavy r

Heavy r +9 points742 days ago

@Russell OConnor trapped between male & female please delete this now, this isn't the place for this. Reply Report