Trailer Park Blues

A big busted trailer Park bimbo is strangled and necro fucked.

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The Pig

The Pig +2 points1605 days ago

Daphne Rosen Reply Report

Zoom   0 points1602 days ago

This would have been amazing if the camera man didnt have an obsession with the zoom tab Reply Report

YOBOI   0 points1564 days ago

She's done other scenes of this sort, there's a particular one called "Outside Her Window", been trying to hunt that one for a while now! Reply Report

TETEWAKI   0 points1191 days ago

@YOBOI sadly you have to pay for it as the video is just over a gig. AI googled it... Reply Report

cupojoe   0 points308 days ago

Right off let me say that that female (girl is too polite a word) was a rotten piece of scum, slime, filth, garbage and trash. Her henpecked husband was driven to the breaking point by that foul-mouthed slut and absolutely did the right thing to kill, murder, slay, eliminate, exterminate and terminate her forthwith. She was a larger model than the usual victims but still a mighty good looking chick with great physical assets. Those boobs alone were a sight to behold and were the biggest melons ever - hubby was right to play with them post-mortem - should have bitten off her tits as well. Her flesh was so sweet and tender, so soft, glistening and translucent like porcelain that he was also good to fondle and caress that gorgeous anatomy. But it was her soft, white, delicate neck that would be her undoing and hubby choked the living daylights out of her to the max tightening the rope ever more each second making the trashy worthless bitch and miserable whore suffer with as much pain and agony as possible. Her macabre dance was indeed a spectacle with her trying to extricate herself from hubby's iron grip - her sexy arms and legs thrashing about in all directions was worth the price of admission by itself. But the vigorous struggle was in vain as she became weaker with each passing second and her limbs and her will to live diminished. Finally said sexy limbs stopped their frantic dance and dropped limply down as she took one final desperate wheezing gasp and then comes the long awaited moment - she succumbs to her fate -death!! Her husband has achieved his objective most masterfully as he looks down on his handiwork, his wife the quarry a still, silent corpse who will never harangue him again. The harlot's death stare is one for the books. Her emerald green eyes once bright with disdain are now fixed wide open and upturned in shock and horror of her well-deserved demise .staring vacantly into forever darkness. Likewise her mouth is frozen agape in disbelief at her fate and is now blessedly silent - she bitches no more. Her lustrous dark hair cascading from her lifeless head is a welcome bonus and those lips which had uttered such obscenities should be cut off. As the piece de resistance hubby should have broken her neck, snapping it like a twig to make her head loll from side to side like a limp rag doll. And he should have stripped her nude to paly with her cadaver to full effect, savoring that delicious flesh to the fullest. In fact, given the way she treated him he should have put her in the oven, roasted her to a golden brown and invited his friends over to partake of a once in a lifetime feast making sure nothing of her corpse is left over. A supply of take home bags would surely be in order. Now hubby can look for a new wife who will hopefully give him the happiness he deserves - if not - well, he knows what to do. Just keep trying. Reply Report

slicerguy   0 points307 days ago

Great as that kill was the killer should have left the dirty bitch in her birthday suit so we could see that very ample body to the fullest. There is as one stated below enough dead red meat on that chick to fuel a large picnic. - just bring the liquor and have a blast! Yes she is one prime cut which can be prepared to anyone's liking with enough to go around. Have a ball! Reply Report

JG -1 points1605 days ago that fat cunt needs more carbs! Reply Report