Blonde Gets Strangled

A blond is attacked and strangled to death in her bedroom.

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Master Brian

Master Brian +1 points1614 days ago

very bad when you can hear her breathing and is supposedly chokeing Reply Report
xyz out

xyz out +1 points1015 days ago

One of the most stupendous kills ever! That blond bimbo was a most worthy victim to be killed, slain, murdered, eliminated, exterminated, and terminated with extreme prejudice She was nothing but a worthless bitch and miserable whore who had her well-deserved fate coming to her. And what a body on that wanton slut! Her sweet, soft tender flesh was sooo supple and porcelain like that our killer should have played with her post-mortem rather than just leaving her so quickly - such a missed opportunity. Those long, slender limbs were worth stroking endlessly and her boobs were like huge fresh melons just ripe for squeezing and nibbling her tits. But the best part of the slime's glorious anatomy was her soft, white delicate neck which her assailant used most effectively as the instrument of her demise. he kept garroting her more and more forcefully with each passing second inflicting more pain and suffering to make her gasp desperately for relief at the same time doing a macabre dance of death with her above-mentioned luscious limbs. But her killer kept on choking the living daylights out of her putting as much pressure on that lovely swanlike neck as humanly possible - not for one second would he give up his mission to dispose of that filthy slime and garbage. Yes, she put up a long, energetic struggle, but it would be ultimately futile as her strength waned gradually till the long-awaited moment when she uttered her final, wheezing gasp at which point her limbs and her whole body ceased its movement and all signs of life and she finally became a still, silent corpse giving her slayer the victory so rightly his. The bitch's death stare is beyond words, her beautiful eyes now fixed wide open in shock and disbelief at her fate, those jewel-like orbs rolled up in their sockets now staring at the ceiling into the dark void that is now her habitation, staring at a world she can no longer see. Likewise her moth is frozen agape mirroring her final thoughts as she perished, perhaps voicing a futile plea for mercy which was emphatically denied. Her tongue hanging out of her mouth is a most welcome bonus in this regard, so very sexy. And her long, lustrous blond hair cascading like a golden waterfall from her now lifeless head was yet another wondrous image. Who would not want to put one's fingers through that soft mane and caress it for as long as possible. Her ruby red, dead lips are so worth a big, wet farewell kiss.Yes, her cadaver on the bed was such a pleasure to look at post mortem. Why her killer had to turn her over we will never know - big mistake! Should have left her face up to keep viewing her gorgeous body, so much more sexy and alluring in death - and to keep viewing that death stare would have been the icing on the cake. So the girl's killer persevered till the end despite the time it took his quarry to kick the bucket - super job, dude. But should have played with her body after you finished her off; no need to hurry - after all she wouldn't have complained, right. Reply Report

ddfdhh   0 points1108 days ago

cool Reply Report

Sex187   0 points986 days ago

Now imagine your cock buried in her pussy while you deprive her of air. Restrained so she gives a good ride. Bend her over something and fuck her from behind in front of a mirror. You both can watch. Soon. Reply Report
Frank The Rotten

Frank The Rotten   0 points668 days ago

Like a girl I strangled in 1970. Reply Report
Frank The Rotten

Frank The Rotten -1 points668 days ago

@Frank The Rotten Obviously it's great bullshit! I never strangled anybody, of course.... And in 1970 I was 3 years old... Reply Report
David The Vicious

David The Vicious   0 points668 days ago

@Frank The Rotten It's clear that you have never strangled anyone, you idiot. However, you are an imbecile to write these things to be a braggart to people reading.... Reply Report