Stabbed And Strangled

A girl is stabbed in her belly and is stripped and finally strangled to death by her attacker.

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substephanie +1 points1416 days ago

Nice death stare. Reply Report
Red meat man

Red meat man   0 points310 days ago

Terrific death stare. Her big beautiful dark eyes fixed wide open at the final moment of her tawdry existence was indeed a sight to behold. Those orbs staring into an eternal dark nothingness mirror the shock and horror of her sudden demise. And her mouth partially agape showed the disbelief of her fate as if she was attempting to utter onefinal word before she succumbed to death. Her soft, white delicate neck was worth choking the living daylights out of, and her killer though a woman took full advantage of the situation and used all her strength and determination to finish off her quarry. Her efforts needless to say paid off as the lovely victim ceased her flailing macabre dance, took one las feeble gasp and finally lay still in utter defeat, her body now a still, silent corpse, the aforementioned death stare a testimony of her killer's victory over her victim, indeed a worthless bitch and miserable whore in addition to a cheap slut, slime, filth, garbage and trash who was rightfully killed, murdered, slain, eliminated, exterminated and terminated as well she should be. Yes, her cadaver is a work of art in death with aforementioned death stare and her lustrous mane of dark hair cascading behind her lifeless head. However, her killer should have stripped the harlot to reveal her stunning body with its soft, smooth, translucent flesh and taken the chain off her neck to see if there was a red burn mark as well to have a complete look at her glorious anatomy. Should have given the bitch a big wet farewell kiss and then broken her neck snapping it like a twig so her head would sway from side to side like a limp rag doll. Those points aside, a superlative kill. Reply Report
maddie dog

maddie dog -1 points309 days ago

Using the chain as the instrument of the slut's death was a masterstroke. The weight of that thing surely put tremendous pressure on her lovely neck and thus made the bitch suffer in even more intense pain and agony. The victim was indeed a worthy prize for extermination - she was a physically stunning specimen indeed. Her sweet, soft, tender, glistening porcelain like flesh was surely worth fondling and caressing ad infinitum and her ample melon-like boobs squeezed as such. Yes, the girl deserved everything she got and quoting her killer - you deserved that, bitch! She most certainly did deserve the demise she received and never looked better as the cold, dead cadaver she now is. Hope her killer has fun playing with her corpse as long as she pleases. She won't complain in the least, will she. Reply Report