Apostles of Chaos

A very bad video tribute to mass murder and serial killers.No matter what their motives were they all contributed to overall chaos and destruction,pushing the World closer to Abyss.Glad the World still breeds such madness,sure there will be more...

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Throwaway0000 +3 points2129 days ago

Just out of curiosity, how long have you been interested in gore and how did you first see it? By the way good job on the video. Reply Report

song?   0 points2130 days ago

song? Reply Report

ozonoh   0 points2130 days ago

1 st song is electric wizard - we hate you second one Who knows, anyway, Vasto you missed Anders Behring Breivik Reply Report

vasto7 +3 points2130 days ago

Second song is Hollywood Undead-Fuck the World Reply Report

+1 points1426 days ago

@vasto7 fucking love that song Reply Report

Autumntwilight89 +2 points2051 days ago

Gore is basic it’s not chaos, chaos and order are both illusions u can see beyond them or below them but u seem to be spiritually degenerated and I really consider you to think about your meditations my friend. Can your tell me what questions u wish to answer? Maybe I can help refine your ideas. Too much bad can lead to good and too much good can lead to bad in any closed system or condition and there is nothing surprising about that it seems like an extreme defense mechanism. What is your deepest fear? Maybe you posses demonic energy or indeed are possessed u can tell if your urges break your will power even though you are morally against what u do and think. If u delight in it that means it’s worse. Serial killers are usually beings whose souls shriveled up in their bodies to give u clear imagery in this pure awkward lowest material plane but there are souls whiare perverted in themselves want to know which one your on. The path of evil is not so much the path of barbarism and these urges u posses seem subhuman. Is there any link between sexuality and this for u? Hey do u consider yourself a powerful individuality capable of facing any kind of torment? Can u make a video that’s purely errie and not gory like those flash images but without the basic gore? I watch some gore to overcome my insecurities. Mgla is my favorite band and I like how u used this mortal coil so ur a fan of gothic dream pop I see. U should try bubble gum pop like Sophie lol anyway get back to me because I don’t believe anyone can deviate too far but karma is a scary thing it is known as the great nemesis but it’s actually just the law of self created destiny. Reply Report

vasto7 +4 points2046 days ago

Very interesting coment.Your right I am spiritually degenerated I made myself like that and I will like it to stay that way.I do meditate even to this day,it realy helps whit some things, i love to examine spitiuality, philosophy,occult,but still I kinda don’t want any of that,just a siple primiteive destruction and degradation of everything high,worth and holy,killing of the core and soul of the being not just the body,condemning exsistence, achieving apsolute death of soul spirit and body.Great destructive power lies also in ignorance stupidity and ego too...Ego is to some point cause of that destruction,suffering,and soul killing whitch I desire,spirituality means to throw away your ego for the sake of soul…I wish to know how can I destroy exsistence,there is a way.This gore helps me and satisfies me because I know all that violence disturbs the balance of the universe and exsistence.I don’t know how can you help me refine my ideas,you can try …My deepest fear is being part of this exsistence and never ending expansions of life,rather than nonexsistence.About the demon possession,the red monster in my intro is something that I often see and hear since I was 6 years old.He guides me,torments me kills me..but I delight in it.It is not a demon it’s a some kind of virus with conscience and destructive philosophy,hes very found of blood and says that whit blood is possible to destroy exsistence.I also saw the world he inhabits,its between two oceans of blood,I thing its in orbit of pluto.I don’t mix sexuality and violence and gore.Gore and destruction pleases me in other ways,not sexualy.Thanks anyway..see ya. Reply Report

vasto7 +3 points2046 days ago

I want to make my own world and reality of pure horror and death,in witch I will be god.To do that I first must present this reality world and life like meaningless and worthless or to ,,destroy exsistence,,.I need to deform this reality ect into my perverse version of it,and I must sacrifice myself and people around me taking their souls and energy or ,,material,,soo I can make all that,soo they can serve me in my new world.What is relay truth is not important,but what people belive is truth... Reply Report

Vincentii +2 points1998 days ago

@vasto7 very interesting response. In gutters of ascension behold the logos, begotten of death and in this the weapons are our very leeeeves (lives) fuck hope and Godspeed!!! ha but you are an infinite being and I think there is just something to be said you are not complete you are strong in certain aspects idk but let me say that the soul is free from death and in perpetual motion you were born into a battle you were already fighting and it is your destiny to be where you are right now and feel how you feel. Do you value the concept of strength and get energized from pain as with pleasure? Because all acute suffers, a very rare type of human mind you, see that in any controlled level of consciousness pain intensified is pleasure and pleasure intensified is pain. Perhaps you see the glory in burning with pure light as do some go in gently. Depression is the true enemy not sadness and all emotions even destructive ones have their purpose. But you don’t like equilibrium balance for some reason but I think I get it lord baelesh from game of thrones said chaos is not a pit it is a ladder I like that. I feel a connection to your level of intensity in some way though I must say and I can tell the feeling is in some way mutual. I found that sharp looking creature demon interesting that’s why I asked ha I posted it on my Instagram a while ago for some reason ha. I sometimes feel like we are in a dark psychedelic horror and I can get ecstasy from that knowing that we have so much forces to our aid but all one needs to live is will.. awaken the berserker! but I don’t know what is worth doing I mean destruction is creation, creation is destruction; the heart of evil is good and maybe vice versa esoteric philosophy teaches that all truths are half truths so your right when u said truth and power is where men believe it lies because all we can logically identify is zero the middle point. What is that magic thing called motion! Or the motivation to do!Must be divine or something and divine I best define as beyond opposites. See what separates me and you is that you see that you must choose a side given to that wrong feeling instead of the right feeling so to speak.. like in Atlantis there was a divide of holy being and dark magicians leading to the shifting of the continents the flood and a destruction of the bodies of those beings the soul always taking new forms with sacred resemblances to your future and past you always have that “I am I” feel that always gets greater and I on the other hand cannot stand the concept of duality the right the wrong the left the right what is beyond this all.. I don’t want to play a side I want to find a glitch in the game and crawl my way out! I cannot believe you have such compete and evolved thoughts on the love of evil though but fire burns everything in this world and is associated with goodness everywhere else so maybe your feeling to destroy the lower world has a righteousness to it but maybe it’s symbology for something internal or your an aghori sadhu at heart xD yep the world you see is the world in you. And I just don’t think your done maturing don’t be some random act of violence blip in the world. You would appreciate a book called HOLY DAIMON. Sorry if some points were unclear I’m typing quickly. Reply Report
Ted bundy

Ted bundy   0 points733 days ago

I like this Reply Report