Sexy MILF Strangled With Cord

A beautiful blonde's neck massage results in her being strangled to death with cord.

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cookiemonster +2 points2335 days ago

Load of shit Reply Report
Blonde is gorgeus and hot

Blonde is gorgeus and hot +1 points2093 days ago

@cookiemonster I agree with you. I think another gorgeus girl should have appeared and killed this crazy man. Then she should have rescued this beautiful blonde and fucked her. (gorgeus women musn't bé killed) Reply Report

cupojoe +1 points1521 days ago

Love her awesome death stare. Those stunning big eyes frozen wide open staring blankly and emptily into a world she can no longer see and is no longer a part of. Her mouth is equally a sight to behold, frozen agape in what appears to be a final plea of mercy to her killer which was rightly denied. After all she was a worthless bitch and a miserable whore not mention a slut, scum , slime, filth garbage and trash .Love to kiss her moist, red dead lips with a big wet farewell kiss. Her clear, white translucent skin is a marvel - who would not mind getting on top of her sill, silent corpse and lick and play with her gorgeous remains - she would not complain in the least. Dead girls don't come lovelier than this so just go for it. Yes, indeed she is infinitely more sexy in death than in life and playing with her cadaver is the perfect revenge. Thanks to her killer for dispatching this hussy and for giving some lucky dudes the chance to have fun with her. An unforgettable experience for sure. Reply Report
General Electric

General Electric   0 points1521 days ago

Wow...what a terrific kill to an off the charts beautiful chick. the blood red burn mark on her lovely long, perfectly proportioned neck is a fitting testament to her slayer's determination to rid the world of this wanton slut and make the world a better place for us all. All that is missing for perfect picture is for her socks to be removed. That way one can caress, fondle, massage and tickle our girl's sexy feet post mortem as long as one desired and marvel at her flawless, glorious anatomy. Reply Report

Sandi   0 points1164 days ago

@General Electric I would love to die like that. Dead end boyfriend and job.I am 32 and I am ready. Don't want to die of cancer or something that takes long. If really interested i would do anything for you if you don't chicken out. Contact me here and i will give you my email Reply Report

Sex187   0 points428 days ago

@Sandi Did general electric do you? I will. Reply Report

Sex187   0 points269 days ago

Sprawled over that couch arm just invites punching her larynx Reply Report

yellowjacket -2 points2277 days ago

Love your taste in victims, dude - first Naiya then this one. So exquisitely beautiful she took my breath away and you killed her in much the same way - a great way to send the dumb worthless blonde bitch to hell. where she belongs. She is indeed a miserable whore, a slut, scum, filth, garbage, trash. But still a gorgeous prize.
who deserved to die in the most painful and agonizing way possible and you delivered. As you said she had the most beautiful neck, so
soft white and delicate, worth the effort and pressure you exerted to
choke the living daylights out of her. And caressing her lovely swanlike neck after she expired was a wonderful afterthought - I would have done the same. Her soft white translucent skin was a wonder to behold. Would fondle, caress and lick her soft, sweet tender porcelain flesh without end. Her knockout tattooed boobs were a standout - how about licking and biting them for some extra fun - Mmmm!!! And then to massage her exquisite fingers and toes and then break them into bloody stumps to remind us of the whore she was. Her long mane of blond hair was another wondrous sight cascading behind her head. She indeed looked better dead, as a
still silent corpse.Posing her on that loveseat as you did made her a work of art, her neck facing upward to appreciate its faultless symmetry. And at the moment of her well-deserved death her beautiful eyes were fixed, frozen wide open in horror at her fate,and her mouth wide open on shock and disbelief unable to voice what
had befallen her. Too bad when you moved her her eyes and mouth closed - would have loved to see them remain open staring emptily into a world she is no longer a part of and her mouth forever agape in silent protest. Her tongue sticking out was just lovely - why not cut
it out and eat it with a drink of your choice; cause to celebrate. i would think! I only wonder why you forgot to take off her left sock -
both bare feet would have been a delight to see. So a sterling kill, dude with the same MO as your previous victim. Both dead as they should be, a dumb blond bitch and a dumb brunette bitch. The present one is one less walking this earth. Reason to rejoice!!
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